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One Topic Discussions

Membership Group


Are you a Solo Virtual Bookkeeper?

Do you love working on your own?

Are you frustrated with all the so called "Guru's" in our industry saying you need to have a employees/team to scale or grow?

Feeling lonely?

Are you working too many hours and not making enough money?

Do you need some additional motivation to push you out of your comfort zone?

Wish you had some people around to bounce things off of?

Does this situation sounds familiar:

You have a bad call with a client or a prospect and you just need to bounce things off of someone.

Or you are getting ready for a call and you would love to have someone you can talk to in order to be sure you're adequately prepared.

Wednesdays at 11:00 am PT we have a Zoom call and recording is available to members.

We have an exclusive Slack workspace where the conversationĀ continuesĀ 24/7/365.

Included is an interactive calendar with additional webinars & training opportunities with others in the community.

Join One Topic Discussions Membership
Here is the One Topic Discussions Schedule