The Mentally Strong Business Owner
Oct 09, 2023
You’ve no doubt heard a million times that you should exercise. But how many people have suggested that you become more mentally fit?
I’m not just talking about doing a crossword puzzle to combat dementia -- I’m talking about becoming mentally strong. When you do, you’ll be better equipped to regulate your thoughts, manage your emotions and boost your productivity.
Here are few things you can do to be a mentally strong Business Owner:
Practice gratitude
Instead of focusing on your burdens or what you don’t have, mentally strong Business Owners take stock of all the great things they do have. There are several ways to practice gratitude, but the simplest way to start is just by thinking of three things you are grateful for each day.
Say “no”
Saying “no” may be a problem for some, but not for the mentally strong Business Owner. As a mentally strong Business Owner you must focus on your agenda and just say “no” to the people who trying to drag them away from your agenda. This way, you can complete your own work and move your business forward.
Expose yourself to pain
To be a mentally strong Business Owner you must be willing to endure pain as long as there's a purpose. You don’t go through a challenging workout, for example, just to prove how tough they are. After all, there’s some truth to that old saying “No pain, no gain.”
Create your own definition of success
To be a successful Business Owner you need to define what success means to you. For example, I work with many Business Owners who don’t make what some would consider a lot of money. But they see themselves as successful because they’re doing what they love with a flexible schedule.
Don’t blame others
As a mentally strong Business Owners never, and I mean never, blame others for your mistakes or shortcomings. You must take full responsibility for your actions. Doing so means you don’t give power to others, remain stuck or become negative people.
Don’t compare yourself to others
Remember, as a mentally strong Business Owner you need to be stingy with your time and energy. So why waste it on worrying about what others are doing? Feelings like jealousy and resentment aren’t just exhausting; they’re pointless.
Instead, appreciate others and celebrate their accomplishments with them. This creates optimism -- which is a win-win for everyone.
Enjoy feeling scared
Most people run away from their fears, but not the mentally strong Business Owner. Instead you need to seek out doing the things that scare you.
This may sound unusual but realize that being afraid pushes you out of your comfort zone. As a result, you will experience new things, meet new people and learn more about yourself.
Respect, and even like, your competitors
As a mentally strong Business Owner you aren’t afraid, intimidated by or jealous of your competitors. In fact, you respect and even like them.
You realize that your competitors can be their greatest teachers. You can learn what your competition did right or wrong. You can see what differentiates them and use that as inspiration for your own next move.
Becoming a mentally strong Business Owner doesn't happen overnight, but it's worth the journey. It can make you -- and your Business -- resilient enough to withstand anything.
Disclaimer: This content is for entertainment purposes, and not intended to be proper tax or legal advice, please consult with a professional regarding your specific tax or legal situation(s).
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